by PJLewis
Question by Angel:
My husband does not want to have sex! what is wrong?
usually it is the wife who is not in the mood.but it is my husban who always havw an excuse to not have sex. my husband changed after I had my baby. I'm back in shape now and I'm attractive 20 years old wife. I always get complement from people. I take care of my self but I'm not perfect. He was always interested even when I was pergnen in my las months. but now he would be ok for 2 onths without sex. lately he wakes me up to have sex but that does not count. I do'nt ask for much.I love him and I really don't know what is wrong.I even tried to play sexy game and dance for him but he would do it just for me.He says that it is because of stress which could be true but even in vications.and another excuse is that after a year and a half of knowing each other it is normal for men to not have sex as often. what shoud I do????
Best answer:
Answer by fvsdf s
as long as he is taking care of you that is what counts. if you need sex so bad get yourself a boyfriend.
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